Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's OK Thursday

This week feel like it has lasted forever! Big weekend with family, baby shower and Labor Day. Friday can't come soon enough, one more day!

I've been slacking on the It's Okay Thursday but today I really feel like everythings okay. Life is good.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Okay be too tired to take showers before work love the baby's room so much I just sit in there miss the olympics

...that I count the days until our little girl is here

...I read my favorite blogs before I do anything else in the AM

...that I can't take my eyes away from the Kardashians

...that I can't stand honey boo boo and don't know why America is watching her love online shopping more than the real thing these days

...that fall is becoming my favorite season realize I am getting old because the election is getting more interesting and does effect me and my family be in bed by 9pm every night

What is okay with you?? Happy almost Friday


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Birth Plan

I am getting really behind on my pregancy to-do-list and The Bump emials me everyday "Create a Birth Plan"! I feel like they are really saying, "we know you are a new mom and avoiding this BUT it WILL happen so get on the ball". Okay Okay!

Will only 62 days left there is still so much to think about. I don't think we are prepared at ALL. Yes we have a car seat but are we ready to be parents?? (please don't answer that).

There is so much discussion and people asking you, epidural or natural, breast or bottle, waterbirth and much much more. I thought I would share what the Niedzwicki's plan to do for birth and that may ease some minds. I have also talked to my doctor and she is on the same page, which is always a good thing. She is the one in control!

Our birth plan is really the NO PLAN PLAN. I don't want to go in there with high standards of something because I don't want to be let down and have to make a decision that could break my heart later. I hear about that happened on all the mommy blogs (yes, we have a community now).

There are some things that we would like to see happen. However it is really up to God on how my delivery goes. Our goal is to have a health baby Riley Mae.

Here are some of the things we have discussed:

  • Epidural PLEASE (this is more for the people around me then me)
  • I would like epidural only when I ask for it, not when I first get there
  • Arrive at hospital before labor is too intense
  • Music and massage to calm me down (we will provide)
  • Do not break my water if not already broken
  • Avoid C Section if all possible
  • Delayed cord cutting
  • Immediate latching/nursing
  • one hour alone with baby and Josh after delivery
That is all! Does that seem to needy/demanding? Again, our REAL plan is to have a healthy baby. If that calls for potocin, c section and breaking my water, then that is what it is going to have to be. All deliveries are different, just like all pregnancies.

With delivery getting closer and braxton hicks contractions in full swing we have hospital and delivery on our mind. It's kinds like that statement "There's only two things in life you can't avoid :Death and Taxes". Well delivery and giving birth is something that is GOING TO HAPPEN....SOON!

Nursery is almost done and can not wait to post the final product.



Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Rant

I know Mondays are sort of a drag for most people. However I look forward to Mondays because I do not have to work until 1pm. This means I can sleep in, make a nice big breakfast, do some housework and watch my favorite shows. This includes Baby Story, The View and Live with Kelly. I have always watched the View (I actually DVR it everyday) because I can not get enough of those women. Baby story is something I have watched even before I was pregnant but now that I am going through my own baby story, I can't miss it. I even have Josh watch is sometimes to get him prepared for childbirth and to see babies being born.

Once baby story is over then the show "I Didn't know I was Prenant" comes on. I have never really watched this show but I was totally intrigued by this today. Two different woman went 30 weeks and did not know they were preganty. I know, I know...I fell off of my chair too when I was watching it. Now brace yourselves, these woman had no prenatal care, drank, smoked, didn't take any precautions, and had perfectly health babies without knowing for one day they were pregnant! I am fabergasted by this.

I have not had the worst pregnancy but I definitely have symptoms and have spent everyday pumping vitamins and organic milk into my body to make sure baby Riley is healthy. Since my third trimester has approached, the pregnancy symptoms are more and more noticeable. Why don't they tell you about some of the things your body is going though??? huh? I am thinking about writing my own book called "What to Really Expect"! If you are reading this out are some things they don't tell you.

1. You might grow a beard. Yup! My vitamins along with my PCOS have really helped me look more like a man with facial hair. Not something you would expect from a glowing mom to be.
2. You will have gas like a trucker. Embarrassing -Yes. Preventable- NO.
3. Grooming like a lady is a thing of the past. Yea you can probably get the drift from this statement. Thank goodness its fall and not summer!
4. Heartburn. Okay I know...they do warn you about heartburn. I think I can burn down the empire state building like Puff the Magic Dragic. OMGoodness is my chest on fire. I guess it doesn't help that I was craving lemons and anything citrus.
5. Burping like a frat boy. You may think that I just drank a 12 pack but NOPE just my pregnancy symptoms coming out. Beware.
6. Dryness. Everywhere. This means everywhere. My skin, hair, scalp, feet, even my nails. I think that is really why pregnant women drowned themselves in cocoa butter.

Just thought I would share my life with you guys. These are the things the don't tell you about. I still have the swelling, sleep deprivation, heartburn, headaches and the other fun stuff that I get emailed about daily.

I am now 31 weeks and have 9 weeks left. Can you believe it? I cant! You may think I am complaining but I am just sharing my knowledge. I love being pregnant and love every kick I get from our baby girl. Keep on growing sweetie! It is all worth it:)

I promise a baby bump attach tomorrow.



Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life Lessons

Sorry I have been MIA for the past week. We have been quite the busy little family AND not to mention we haven't had internet for 5 days. This is because I live in the country and it is hard to reach me, literally. Through phone, internet, screaming, however you may never reach me. Hopefully it will be back on tomorrow and I can post some baby bump pics. I have quite the bump now, only 69 more days left! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

I was thinking about motivation and things that have happened in my life to make me the person I am. I am currently studying for the GRE (it sucks...bigtime) and I can't help to think of how baby Riley has motivated me so much. I want to start my doctorate, renovate the house, get GOOD life insurance and make sure she is taken care of. Even if that does mean learning quadratic equations, fractions, slopes and everything else that makes me get sick.

Riley, hopefully you will read this one day and get something back from our journey through marriage, pregancy and being a family of three. I wanted to share some of the things I have learned in the past 32 years:

  1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
  2. Try to forgive, but never forget.
  3. Sometimes unanswered prayers are your prayers really answered.
  4. Apple juice is so much better than orange juice.
  5. Best friends are like sisters you choose. Choose them wisely.
  6. Your first heartbreak won't be your last.
  7. College is a blast, don't rush it.
  8. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
  9. When it comes to going for everything you dream, don't take no for an answer.
  10. Tatoos last a lifetime (ask Aunt Leslie).
  11. Pizza cutter is the best pizza in the world.
  12. Time really does heal everything. Give time time.
  13. works.
  14. Your problems aren't half as bad as the next guys.
  15. eases the mind.
  16. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  17. Cleveland sports teams will always let you down every season.
  18. Your character is who YOU are, your reputation is what others think you are.
  19. Success isn't given, it's earned. You have to work for success and if you work, you will get results.
  20. You are in charge of your own happiness. Don't let anyone take that away from you.
I hopefully have 40+ years of life and learning left. I can't wait to see what the next 32 years bring us.

Happy Hump Day

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Girly Girl

With only 77 days left (yup thats right), I guess it is time to start thinking about being a parent. We have tried and prayed so long for this precious little one that we really didn't think what it was going to be like when the little one arrives. OOPS! There is no time like the here goes. This is my thinking on paper, or cyberspace.

It is sort of funny because I had alway envisioned myself with boys. I always said I was going to have all boys, no girls, no way. Now look, my house is a big pink cupcake these days. This isn't even like subtle girl in our house, nope, pink and girl exploded everywhere. I am so excited we are having a little girl, I can not even imagine having a boy right now. Boy (or girl) have times changed.

When it comes to parenting there are so many decisions to make...really big ones (breastfeeding vs. formula) or everyday small decisions ( cinderella vs. barney)! There are also so many questions going through my head: Will I be a good mom? Will she like being around me? Most importantly, Will I be a cool mom? That's my goal...Cool Mom status!

I guess I consider myself a girly girl, maybe. I am no where near a prissy girl but I do like my jewelry, sunglasses and makeup. I always like to dress up and get my usual pampering once in awhile. I also like camping, bike riding, getting down and dirty with the house projects and eating junk food. It makes me wonder what Riley is going to be like. Is she a girl girl that will always, I mean always have to be in a dress and can never take off her sunglasses? Or will she be more like her dad, a fishing, sports loving, gardening, get out and get dirty type of girl. I can not wait to see what her personality will bring.

There are some things that I have been thinking about when it comes to being a first time mom. Things that have been lingering in my head. The do's and don'ts of the Niedzwicki house.

I will NOT:
  • Ever buy a minivan. Yup I said it, please hold me to it.
  • Feel I need to feed her only organic food all the time. The point here is that I will not "feel" I need to. I probably will in the long run. We live out in the country, there is organic food everywhere. I don't think I have met anyone that doesn't grow or even slaughter their own meals. It's not only organic food, there is more to this statement. I have to remember what it was like when I grew up. I ate pizza, chicken nuggets and chips. Everything turned out okay. I played outside all day and all night with little television and no video games. Everything turned out okay. I know times are changing in the world but I never want to take a childhood away from a child because I am paranoid. Let a kid be a kid!
  • Let other parents influence my parenting choices. Everyone is different and every parent is different. If my friends or aquaintenances want only cloth diapers and think everyone that doesn't use cloth diapers are not good parents that is their decision. I don't have to do what everyone else is doing. This is a new joureny for Josh and I to go through together. Will their be mistakes, of course, but we will be a pro soon enough.
  • Compare Riley to other children and their developments. This kind of goes along with the previous statement. I have been comparing my pregnancy to every elses for the last seven months. I will NOT compare my baby to others. I can't, it will drive me crazy. Everyone keeps telling me how small she is going to be because I have only gained 20 pounds and if she end up being 40 pounds in 5 months, then that is what she is. Is she doesn't crawl, walk, read, talk or potty train the same week other babies do...that OKAY!
  • Be a crazy soccer mom that yells at the coaches and gets ejected from the fields. This one is going to be hard. For anyone that knows me, and my days with Corey's basketball, you know this can get out of hand. I just have to calm down and let the coach do thier job. Another one to please hold me to.
Whatever parenting brings to Josh and I, I assure you that we will put in 100% all day everyday. Yes there will be challenging but the reward will far outweight any of those hiccups, sort of like pregnancy. I am still amazed at those women who have the perfect pregnancies and love every minute of pregnancy. I want to be them when I grow up!

Love you all.
Happy Tuesday


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bucket List

Now that Josh and I have nothing on the brain but baby, I decided to start thinking about some things I want to accomplish. We only have 12 weeks until we are a family of 3...OH EMM GEEE!

I am sure many of you have a "bucket list", you know things you want to do before you kick the bucket. I guess I haven't really thought of things I want to do long term, but a part of me feels I need a baby bucket list. Ya know, I am not going to be the same person in 13 weeks. Everyone keeps telling me how my life is going to change dramatically. Good thing I like change!

After a couple weeks of thinking about is my Baby Bucket List:

  • Go fishing.
  • Visit University of Notre Dame.
  • Read newest Jodi Picoult book.
  • Take the GRE (which involves studying for the GRE).
  • Apply to the doctorate program at Indiana State University.
  • Redo all the closets (well Dad is actually doing that).
  • Change all lights in the house.
  • Learn how to cook with better recipes.
  • Look up some DIY projects. I am going to start crafting.
  • Read up on parenting.
  • Watch the "Best Baby on the Block".
  • Make smores in our firepit.
  • Date night with the husband.
How does that look? I think that is enough to keep me busy for the next 12 weeks. I am more excited to make an "after baby list". There are so many new things that I am going to be able to do with our family. I know I will not be able to pick up and leave whenever I would like, but just the thought of that makes me so happy.

Good thing I had a great time in college, have great friends, and don't regret anything. Sometimes you have to look back and thank the good Lord for unanswered prayers. I know I do.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

28 Weeks Folks!

28 WEEKS! Can you believe..I can't.

Great great doctors appointment today. Here is what we accomplished:

  • We have the cutest baby:) Could not believe how clear her face was on the pic!? Technology is amazing.
  • glucouse testing (yikes)
  • Baby is still a girl
  • I can travel up until 36 weeks ( Walfield wedding here we come!)
  • What to do when I am in labor
  • Talked about breastfeeding and epidural
  • Basically talked about my whole birth plan (coming soon to the blog)
Here's her debut...her photo shoot was amazing.

 Pregnancy Ticker

Size of Baby: Size of a eggplant, almost up to 3 pounds. You keep growing girlfriend. So proud of you.

Cravings: Still no cravings. My food taste is actually going back to normal again. I actually can stand chicken again....that makes this girl really happy!

Things I miss: Coffee, energy, exercising, sleeping. I also know I am going to miss fall clothes. I love fall and the clothes are the best. I will have to spice up the maternity closet for fall.

Best Moment: Every moment with her is great! Even the heartburn and sleep deprivation:) This week was our Cleveland baby shower and it was awesome. See below post for more details.

Worst Moment: Riley is starting to rest her head on my left ribcage and boy it is uncomfortable. I didn't really know what that was until I saw the ultrasound today.

Sleep: Sometimes. It is a hit or miss type of thing. Sunday night I was up at 1am but last night I sleep a wopping 8 hours.

84 more days Riley, 12 weeks. We got this!

Happy Tuesday


Monday, August 6, 2012

Showered with LOVE!

August Showers bring October babies...right??

Such an exciting weekend we had! It is crazy that I have dreamed about my baby shower and this weekend I was actually at my baby shower. It still doesn't feel real. Everything that we have been through and all the prayers that were prayed for this little gir still doesn't make it seem like reality. The saying goes "For this child we prayed," and that sums up my life right now.

Riley is such a blessed little girl with so many people around her that love her already. We had such a great time! I mentioned before how I have anxiety with people showering me with gifts...and this was no exception. I was sick all day up until the shower. We had great food, great company and great family and friends. It made everything perfect.

My best friend Leslie coordinated the shower and it turned out amazing, Blew away my expectations. She is such an great friend for offering her house to celebrate Riley.

Thank you everyone for all you did to make this shower such a great one. I love you all!


Tomorrow is a big day for our family. Last ultrasound before we get to meet our little girl. Not to mention my glucous test. Do you think all the cupcakes and cakepops I had this weekend will sway the Stay tuned.

Riley sweetie, smile big for the camera tomorrow. Get you pagent pose going and be a good girl so we can get all the pics we need to ensure you are happy and healthy.

Pics to follow!

Happy Monday


Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear Friday: how I love you and missed you. You came fast this week...keep up the good work. Dear Olympics: I love watching you every day and night. You are awesome. Can you come on earlier so I can get some sleep please? Dear Cleveland: I will get to see you in less than 10 hours. I am really excited and hope you are feeling the same. Dear Riley: keep up all the moving and shaking. You go girl! Dear JCP: if my baby furniture does not come by next Thursday you will have one crazy pregnant woman on you. You have been warned. Dear coffee: I miss you so. Dear husband: I am apologizing now for the 5 hour car ride to dad's house. All the stopping, complaining, sleeping, turning is sure to get on your nerves. This is going to be one long trip for you. You will still love me in the end though.

Everyone have a good Friday and weekend! Shower posts next week.



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Random Thursday...

Taking a week off this week from the "It's Okay Thursdays" and feeling a little more random today. I have baby on the brain so if you are tired of my baby might want to avoid my blog for about 3 more months. OR like 6 more years. Riley is going to be all over my blog.

ONE MORE DAY until CLEVELAND! August showers bring....October babies??? Right?  I think so. This saturday is our first baby shower and I am very excited. Mostly to see everyone that I miss so much. It is very rare that I can see some family and friends in the same weekend. It usually goes one was or the other. NOT THIS TIME! Friday night at dad's and saturday night at Leslie's.

I really have some anxiety when it comes to everyone coming to one place to bring me gifts (believe it or not). I am more of a gift giver, then a gift receiver. That is why I love Christmas so much. I have already started thinking about the holidays and using my pinterest to pin all things Christmas. I am trying to just remember that all this is for our precious baby Riley Mae, not me. It makes it all better!

We also are getting some maternity photos this weekend from Greg. He is coming early to get some done then we have a scheduled session on August 30th with Bella Bloom photos here in town. I can hardly wait! Here are some pics I love...

 pregnancy photos
 pregnancy photos 

Hopefully I will get our blocks in time for this weekend to use in photos. I can not tell you how excited I am. Greg thank are the best! Check out my Pinterest to see more.

Switching topics. I have now cried 7 times at the Olympics. I missed Ryan and Mike (yup first names) win the gold and cried during Misty and Carrie's interview. I feel that since I follow Ryan and Mike on twitter we can be on a first name basis.

Have a great thursday! Go team USA!
