Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's OK Thursday

This week feel like it has lasted forever! Big weekend with family, baby shower and Labor Day. Friday can't come soon enough, one more day!

I've been slacking on the It's Okay Thursday but today I really feel like everythings okay. Life is good.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Okay be too tired to take showers before work love the baby's room so much I just sit in there miss the olympics

...that I count the days until our little girl is here

...I read my favorite blogs before I do anything else in the AM

...that I can't take my eyes away from the Kardashians

...that I can't stand honey boo boo and don't know why America is watching her love online shopping more than the real thing these days

...that fall is becoming my favorite season realize I am getting old because the election is getting more interesting and does effect me and my family be in bed by 9pm every night

What is okay with you?? Happy almost Friday


1 comment:

  1. glad im not the only now missing the olympics!

    Have a fabulous Thursday! Drop by and say hello! :)
