Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day to me….

Mother's Day is a holiday that means so little to some, and the biggest day of the year to others. Everyone has a mom in their life. You could be a mom, you have a mom, someone like a mom, your best friends are moms, you're a dog mom, you have a step mom or maybe you are a mom to be. Mother's day means so many different things to so many different people; to me mother's day means taking time for whoever that special mom is.

Mother's day to me means sleepless nights and long days. It mean's long hours of speech therapy so your daughter has endless opportunities. To me it means watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse over and over and over, and secretly loving it. It means shearing a popsicle on the porch before bed; going through countless bubbles and saying "POP" over and over.

To me mother's day is going to target for diapers and coming out with a couple outfits because the girls need one more pair of leggings. Some days it's not taking showers and forgetting to eat. It means going to the grocery store is your "get away" for the week. It means worrying that you are making the right decisions for your children; it means your diet consists of chicken fingers and mac and cheese because that is the only thing your children like to eat . It means putting someone else's needs before your own.

To me mother's day reminds me of all the mom's that have taught me about motherhood and paved the path I now walk down; all the veteran's in my life. I thank you. I thank you Jill for teaching me about  time; time is a true gift. Spend time with the ones you love. You constantly amaze me with your strength and love you have in your heart. I look up to you for being a single mother and beating all the odds. Riley is lucky to have such a great godmama.  Thank you Leslie for showing me that you CAN do things with little time. No lie- you are amazing. I compare my crazy life to yours and don't know how you work full time and have 5 kids, a dog and a traveling husband.

Mom- thank you for loving me unconditionally. Now I know how a mother loves their children and realize that you are no different. You had me at a very young age and made the best decisions you knew how to at that time. All those decisions made me into the person I am today; the mother I am.

To all the new moms in my life- you are amazing. Never doubt yourself and never compare yourself or your mothering values to others.

Everyday is mother's day because I think about what motherhood means to me daily. However I like to spend Mother' Day thinking of all the mothers that do so much for others and little for themselves. To my mother in law, my coworkers, Joyce, my friends, my boss, and everyone else I forgot- Happy mother's Day! I wish you have a great day no matter how you choose to spend it. You are amazing!

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