Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bucket List

Now that Josh and I have nothing on the brain but baby, I decided to start thinking about some things I want to accomplish. We only have 12 weeks until we are a family of 3...OH EMM GEEE!

I am sure many of you have a "bucket list", you know things you want to do before you kick the bucket. I guess I haven't really thought of things I want to do long term, but a part of me feels I need a baby bucket list. Ya know, I am not going to be the same person in 13 weeks. Everyone keeps telling me how my life is going to change dramatically. Good thing I like change!

After a couple weeks of thinking about is my Baby Bucket List:

  • Go fishing.
  • Visit University of Notre Dame.
  • Read newest Jodi Picoult book.
  • Take the GRE (which involves studying for the GRE).
  • Apply to the doctorate program at Indiana State University.
  • Redo all the closets (well Dad is actually doing that).
  • Change all lights in the house.
  • Learn how to cook with better recipes.
  • Look up some DIY projects. I am going to start crafting.
  • Read up on parenting.
  • Watch the "Best Baby on the Block".
  • Make smores in our firepit.
  • Date night with the husband.
How does that look? I think that is enough to keep me busy for the next 12 weeks. I am more excited to make an "after baby list". There are so many new things that I am going to be able to do with our family. I know I will not be able to pick up and leave whenever I would like, but just the thought of that makes me so happy.

Good thing I had a great time in college, have great friends, and don't regret anything. Sometimes you have to look back and thank the good Lord for unanswered prayers. I know I do.


1 comment:

  1. Some ideas for baby bucket list: 1) sing the entire song of "99 bottles of beer on the wall" with a friend. Warning..this is very tough to do and when you are done you will ask yourself,"why did I just do that". 2) Learn more about the Presidential Election. 3) Figure out what your top 5 favorite: movies and songs are (just in case somebody may ask) 4) Learn the capitals of every state 5) Develop a new unique homemade sandwich and call it (ex. may include: peanut butter and nacho cheese doritos, a triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (Those are so good).
