Tuesday, July 10, 2012

24 Weeks!

Look out for the bump attack....here we go!

24 weeks and feeling good. This week seems to have gone by slow, especially since I am counting down the days (Literally I have 112 days to go)

Size of Baby: Riley is now the size of a cantalope. Yup...we are still in the fruit section but she is growing up way too fast.

Total Weight Gain: I would say around 12 pounds. Last wednesday it was 10 pounds. I have a doc app on Thursday so I will know more specifics.

Cravings: still just Milk. I liked milk before though so I am not sure. All I know is that I eat all the time. I now have to eat every hour or so. Good thing I stocked up on healthy snacks:)

Sleep: Sleep is great. I love sleep. I bought a body pillow the last time I was at Costco and that thing has saved my life. I sleep about 10 hours a night. I am still so tired during the day though.

Best Moment of the Week: Cleaned out the nursery and everything is ready for the furniture to arrive. I can't wait to start posting nursery pics on my nursery page. I think I might pass out when I have a crib in my house. Am I dreaming?

Worst Moment of the Week: HEAT! Ok, I love the summer and I love the heat but come on. I can not even go outside. This is the first summer in history that I just want to fly by. I can not wait for FALL.

Things I miss: coffee. spinning. exercise. going outside. energy.
The think I miss the most is my beloved coffee every morning...and afternoon, and whenever I wanted. I love caffeine but have decided to give it up 100% while pregnant. I know you can have limited caffeine and it will not hurt your baby but I just don't want to.

Cheers to another week!  You go baby Riley. Mama loves you:)


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